In India’s second Test match against England, Jasprit Bumrah’s juggernaut brought down the enthusiastic visitors, resulting in an unexpected defeat on Monday at Vizag. Bumrah pulled down England’s top request across the two innings to make early advances for India’s truly necessary success.
In the first inning, Bumrah collected six wickets while going a little overboard with 45 runs. To follow that up, Bumrah got back with three significant wickets in the subsequent innings. Aggregately, Bumrah got nine wickets, guaranteeing India’s 106-run dominance in the second match to even out the five-match series at 1-1.
“I think, truly, it was only the magic of Jasprit Bumrah. He got three for today (Monday), yet it was that fantastic spell in the first inning, 6-45, that amazed England for 253 on a great, level pitch,” Nasser Hussain wrote in his segment.